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How to Stand for Election to Council

Nominations are invited for vacant Council position each year and are ratified at the December AGM.

How to stand for a postion:

Candidate can self-nominate or be nominated by another Member of the Association for any vacant role on Council. The role of Council Members is set out in the Association's Constitution. There are no geographic restrictions on who may stand for election and we encourage nominations from candidates from diverse backgrounds (especially those that historically have been underrepresented). Each nomination must be accompanied by the candidate’s written agreement to stand for election, and a short personal statement (less than 200 words) describing their interests for publication (before the AGM) in the Newsletter. In addition, each candidate must be proposed by at least two members of the Association and any individual may not propose more than two candidates.  If more than one nomination is received for any one position a vote of the Membership will be undertaken in advance of, and ratified at, the AGM in December. In rare cases candidates may be nominated for more than one position, in these cases we will ask the candidate to state an order of preference, as no person may hold more than one role simultaneously. The order of voting for Council positions will, where possible, take candidates’ preferred positions into account.

All potential Council Members are asked to consider the following: since The Palaeontological Association is a Registered Charity, in the eyes of the law most Council Members become a Trustee of that Charity. Under the terms of the Charities Act 2011, Trustees have independent control over, and legal responsibility for, a charity’s management and administration. Further information on the responsibilities of Trustees can be obtained from the Charity Commission of England and Wales.


What to include in the submitted nomination document:

  • Candidate's full name, email address, and Assoication Membership number (if known)
  • Candidate's two nominators' full names, e-mail address, and (if known) their Assoication Membership mumbers.
  • A short written statment from the candidate of their agreement to stand for election. This can take the form of: "I [full name] agree to stand for election to the Palaeontological Assoication Council and, to the best of my knowledge, I am eligible for [this role/these roles] under the rules set out by the Association's Constitution."
  • The postion(s) the candidate wishes to stand for; if more than one please state a preference order.
  • A short personal statement from the candidate (less than 200 words) describing their interests for publication (before the AGM) in the Newsletter.
  • A completed Professional Standards and Behaviour Self-Declaration form filled in by the candidate. The stated reason on the form should be 'Standing for Council'.  Form can be downloaded here: .

The nominations should be sent in PDF format to the Secretary:

Deadline for Nominations

The closing date for nominations is 1st September 2024

Council Vacancies at the 2025 AGM

Vacant positions will be advertised here soon.

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