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The Palaeontological Association aims to increase support for individuals who belong to underrepresented groups within Palaeontology. 


पैलेऑन्टोलॉजिकल  एसोसिएशन का उद्देश्य उन व्यक्तियों के लिए समर्थन बढ़ाना है जो पैलेऑन्टोलॉजि के अंतर्गत आने वाले समूहों से संबंधित हैं।

La Asociación Paleontológica tiene como objetivo aumentar el apoyo a los individuos que pertenecen a grupos subrepresentados dentro de la Paleontología.

تهدف جمعية علم الحفريات إلى زيادة دعم المجموعات الممثلة تمثيلًا غير كافيا ضمن نطاق. هذا العلم

Contact Us About Diversity

If you wish to contact the Palaeontological Association about diversity, please use our contact form and select Diversity Officer:  Contact Us Form.

PalAss Diversity Survey - 2025

Please consider filling in our diveristy survey for 2025, which you can access here: 2025 PalAss Diversity Survey and 2024 PalAss Annual Meeting Feedback Form.

Palaeontological Association Mentor Scheme

The Palaeontological Association mentoring scheme aims to assist palaeontologists at the start of their academic careers. The scheme initially focussed on those transitioning from late-stage PhD to postdoctoral positions and from postdoctoral positions to permanent jobs but is now open to Association members at any stage of PhD study and those conducting post-doctoral research who do not have a permanent position. We hope to roll the scheme out to other transition points such as mid-career to senior leadership in the future.

Mentoring is a valuable tool, helping individuals make informed choices via the exchange of knowledge and experience. The scheme uses a direct mentoring approach, with mentors in permanent positions offering direct contact via e-mail, phone and video calls, or other forms of communication. Full guidelines on expectations, lines of communication and length of mentorship are provided. It is expected that mentors should provide open and honest advice whilst maintaining confidentiality at all times. If you are a postgraduate or postdoctoral palaeontologist and are interested in having a mentor please fill out our mentor request form and we will endeavour to partner you with a suitable mentor as soon as possible. Alternatively, if you are a palaeontologist in a permanent position who would be willing to act as a mentor please email Dr Paul Barrett ( for more information.

Codes of Conduct for Meetings

The Palaeontological Assocartion has two codes of conducts. The Code of Conduct for Palaeontological Association Members applies to all Palaeontological Association members carrying out their professional activities, including students and retired members. The Code of Conduct for Palaeontological Association Meetings aplies to all our meetings. Both codes of conduct link to forms through which violations of either code can be reported. 

Palaeontological Association Diversity Group

The Palaeontological Association council has a Diversity Group whose focus is on improving equality, diversity and inclusion within the association and its events. The members of this group are indicated on the Palaeontological Association Council page.

Palaeontological Association Diversity Study

In 2018 the Palaeontological Association completed a diversity study. Key findings and key findings and recommendations can be found on the Diversity Study page. 

Social Justice in Palaeontology

At the Palaeontological Association (PalAss) Annual Meeting hosted by the University of Manchester, December 2021,  Emma Dunne and Nussaïbah B. Raja hosted a virtual workshop on Social Justice in Palaeontology. They have kindly made the contents available to all. To learn more, please visit Social Justice in Palaeontology Workshop 2021.