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Palaeontology (Journal)

ISSN 1475-493 (online) | ISSN 0031-0239 (print)

The journal Palaeontology is devoted to the publication of innovative and timely papers of broad significance that employ fossil evidence to advance substantially our understanding of the history of life on Earth. The emphasis is on hypothesis-driven research; papers of a more descriptive nature should be submitted to the sister journal Papers in Palaeontology.

Whilst the Palaeontological Association is developing a new website, please visit the page Member access to Association Journals to access any publications more recent than those shown below.

Articles published

Original Article: Reports of original research that advance our understanding of palaeontology in significant ways, either by the application of innovative approaches, or by addressing current issues in palaeontology with new empirical data. Usually 10–25 printed pages in length.

Review: Authoritative overviews of topics where there has been notable recent progress and it would be helpful to summarize the advances to a general audience. Typically 10–25 printed pages in length.

Rapid Communication: Short reports of original research that are of high calibre and represent a significant increase in our understanding of issues of wide topical interest to the palaeontological community. Typically 4–6 printed pages, including references, with no more than four figures.

Discussion: We welcome discussion of any paper published recently in Palaeontology.  Comments are shared with the corresponding author of the original article who may append a response.  Both will be published together.

Technical Report: Reports of significant new techniques or software packages.

See the page Information for Authors for more information.


Palaeontology is indexed/abstracted in:

  • Academic Search (EBSCO Publishing)
  • Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO Publishing)
  • Academic Search Premier (EBSCO Publishing)
  • ASFA: Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (ProQuest)
  • Biological Abstracts (Thomson Reuters)
  • BIOSIS Previews (Thomson Reuters)
  • CSA Biological Sciences Database (ProQuest)
  • Current Contents: Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (Thomson Reuters)
  • Ecological Abstracts (Elsevier)
  • Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson Reuters)
  • Oceanic Abstracts (ProQuest)
  • Petroleum Abstracts (University of Tulsa)
  • ProQuest Central (ProQuest)
  • ProQuest Research Library (ProQuest)
  • Research Alert (Thomson Reuters)
  • Science Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
  • Science Citation Index Expanded (Thomson Reuters)
  • SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  • VINITI (All-Russian Institute of Science & Technological Information)
  • Zoological Record (Thomson Reuters)